Libra Zodiac Love Life-Matches

The Scales 

Air Sign September 24 - October 23


Manufacture of liquors, popular, tactless, base, drunkard, loose morals, arrogant, wicked, frank, submissive, pompous.

Partners, marriage; learning how to get along peaceably with others, treating others as equals; "I vs. You", conflict, enemies; art, beauty, harmonious surroundings; distressed by stressful, inharmonious interactions; intimacy; people in counseling professions.

Libra Zodiac Sign - Guide To Libra Lovers

Ruled by Venus, these folk are programmed for love and some say that they are the most proficient lovers of all. 

While extremely loving themselves they in turn need to be loved, so their partner should not refrain from showing and expressing their love and feelings toward them.

Libra’s worship romance and seduction, can be extremely flirtatious and know how to please, excite and tease. They can be outright sexual adventurers in the event their sex-life losses luster and will readily look elsewhere. They tend to prefer a partner who takes the initiative so that a seductive partner who is prepared to worship them makes for an ideal combination. 

The lower back and buttocks form the Libra erogenous area so a little fondling, patting and pinching in that area should soon arouse Libra for a romantic session.

Best Bed Mates for the Libra: Gemini, Aquarius, Leo, Sagittarius, Taurus, Aries, and Libra.


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